Reborn Doll : Mistaking one for a real baby, police in Australia launched a rescue attempt that drew headlines.
Reborn Doll. It´s a play doll that has been transformed to resemble a human baby with as much realism as possible, that´s why
they have been in several news stories that cover various interest in the dolls to incidents involving the police. That was the case in Australia where police smashed though a window in a locked automobile to rescue a seemingly unconscious baby. The baby wasn't real; it was a reborn baby
Grand Theft Auto : A 6-year-old who crashed his family's car said "Grand Theft Auto" taught him to drive.
A 6 year old boy who missed the school bus decided to try and drive the family car and eventually crashed. The boy actually made it nearly six miles before crashing before hitting an embankment and utility pole. According to the report, the boy told police that he had learned to drive by playing unspecified games in the Grand Theft Auto and Monster Jam series. Both parents were charged with child endangerment and the boy were placed in protective custody. link
Pepa Pig : Banned because it would upset Muslim and Jewish parents.
Muslim extremists have banned Peppa Pig dolls from a shopping centre claiming the children's cartoon character breaks Islamic laws. Religious leaders told shopkeepers in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, that because the dolls were based on pigs they breached muslim food laws which ban pork.
Gay Bob – The World's First Gay Doll
First launched back in 1977 by Harvey Rosenberg, Gay Bob was the first gay doll ever created. Bob was 13 inches tall, had blond hair, a pierced ear and wore a flanel shirt, tight jeans and cowboy boots. Gay Bob was anatomically correct and was created as a cross between Robert Redford and
Lego Māori and the ethnic issue
In 2001, several Māori tribal groups from New Zealand threatened legal action against Lego for allegedly trademarking Māori words used in naming the Bionicle product range which centres around six characters – whose names are derived from Maori language – living on an island called Mata Nui. Some Māori terms used by Lego were changed, such as "Huki", which was changed to "Hewkii" and "Tohunga", which was changed to "Matoran".Since this controversy, Lego has not made any more names that are common terms in other living languages. link
The pole-dancing doll
It rotates. It has blinking lights, a disco ball, and a pole. And it's probably one of the wrongest toys you can give to any girl. The package of the box shows a traditional girl's doll, holding a pole attached to a pedestal base. After the pictures of the Pole Dance Doll made their way onto the Internet controversy ensued over the doll. link
Shave the Baby
Do you think it's fun to shave a hairy baby? "You Can Shave the Baby" is a progressive art piece from the independent Art Space Raster. The creepy doll has bushy bright orange hair protruding from her ankles, armpits, and even her pubic region and asshole!.link
Adolf Hitler Action Figure Doll
American doll-maker Mike Fosella has sparked controversy by unveiling a line of Nazi Action figurines. So far Adolf Hitler and Joseph Mengele, the concentration camp doctor dolls have been produced. Fosella plans further figures of Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler and propagandist Joseph Goebbels with enough pivot points to allow them to give Nazi-style salutes. The entrepreneur came under fire for his foot-high dolls which were unveiled
at New York's toy fair in 2001. link
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