P.O. New Forest, Dehradun – 248 006
ICFRE is in the process of preparing a Forestry Sector Report India to be released during the Indian Forests Congress to be held in November 2011 for which it is envisaged to engage 4 Research Associates (2 at New Delhi and 2 at Dehradun) to provide the required assistance in preparation of the report in the form of collecting and analyzing data and researching various sub-sectors. Walk-in interview for selection of the Research Associates will be conducted on:
1. At Dehradun on 15th April 2011 at 11.00 a.m. in room no. 145, ICFRE HQ building for which interested and eligible candidates must first submit their detailed bio-data on the prescribed proforma at Annexure – I alongwith recent passport size photograph, attested copies of all educational certificates and relevant documents to the office of Assistant Director General (Statistics), Room No. 142, ICFRE, P. O. New Forest, Dehradun on 15th April 2011 by 10.30 a.m
2. At New Delhi on 20th April 2011 at 11.00 a.m. at Van Vigyan Bhawan, Sector – 5, R.K. Puram for which interested and eligible candidates must first submit their detailed bio-data on the prescribed proforma at Annexure – I alongwith recent passport size photograph, attested copies of all educational certificates and relevant documents at the reception of the Van Vigyan Bhawan on 20th April 2011 by 10.30 a.m.
Research Associates – 4 (2 positions for Dehradun and 2 for New Delhi), number of positions in either of the places may change.
Essential Qualifications: Doctorate degree or 3 years research/teaching experience after Post Graduation in Forestry/Agriculture/Life Science/Statistics in first class
Age: Upper age limit is 35 years as on the 1st June 2011, which is relaxable for SC/ST and OBC candidates as per rules.
Emoluments: Rs. 16000/- per month plus HRA as per rules
Interested candidates may submit their applications on the prescribed proforma at annexure – I at the date, time and place as mentioned above
For More Information
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